Outside of work, I’m fighting not to be lumped into that millennial crowd; you know… the ones who don’t work hard and live expectantly for the world to serve us. Inside the workplace, I’m in a weird in-between-generations age gap. I don’t catch the millennial stigma here. Sometimes parents ask if I’m “old enough to be doing this job” (yes, thank you), and students see me as a safe zone who is closer to their age (built in relational credibility, thank you).
I “parent” 421 teenagers on the reg. This TED Talk is for parents, students, teachers, educators, or basically anyone who cares about raising up the next generation. A former Dean of Freshmen students at Stanford University speaks on raising teenagers, parenting from the nearest helicopter, and taking self-efficacy to the next level from the underrated character trait that it is.
Self-efficacy: one’s own actions lead to outcomes… not one’s parent’s actions on one’s behalf. If our children are to develop self-efficacy, then they need to do a whole lot more…for themselves.
Work is hard, but work also develops character.
Professional success in life comes from having done chores as a kid… There is some unpleasant work, someone’s gotta do it, it might as well be me. …lacking the impulse, the instinct to roll up their sleeves and pitch in and look around and wonder… how can I be useful to my colleagues?
For more resources on “work,” check out my church’s latest series on it by clicking HERE specifically #5 on “Raising Workers.”
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