Mornings for some reason seem earlier, and the chaos for some reason feels multiplied.
Our semester has almost ended which means craziness around the guidance office:
Schedules changing, report cards coming out, End of Course exams.
State career reports, HSAP (state graduation test) ordering deadlines.
When final grades come out, we’ve got to be sure kids are in the correct grade level and credit recovery classes. Lots of deadlines, and it’s imperative EVERYTHING is done RIGHT THIS SECOND. Most days, I feel like I might achieve everything I set out to if only there were 5 of me.
I will admit, I thrive on doing 12 things at once.
(Maybe it’s the quick-start in me? See KOLBE Indexes.)
Part of this job is going with the flow and being able to adapt and change courses in a snap.
I feel like I haven’t had a moment to write a blog post about anything super school counselor specific, because this week has just been never ending lists.
I’m sure you’re all feeling the same way.
We’re all at similar points of the school year.
Everything is piling on.
Just remember to take a breath each morning, keep this at the top of your to-do list, and I think you’ll feel okay about the rest of the list:
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