It is always funny to me (for some reason) to pause and realize we’re all doing the same job in different places. Whether you feel like your high school counselor community at your school is thriving or struggling to get to that place, you can recognize the need for a group of people who understand the ins and outs and daily responsibilities of this crazy career.
It’s nice to have someone to give you a pep talk on the hard days, someone to encourage you to try new ideas, and someone to spur you on professionally. Whether it’s popping into the office next to mine, picking up the phone to call someone across town, meeting at a district-wide gathering or conference, or connecting via social media, I find immense value in sharing what’s going on in our high school counselor worlds.
I can think of a hundred more benefits to having people in your circle to call on when you need them, but here are 3 more practical and compelling reasons you need a quality high school counselor community.
1- You can bounce ideas off of a high school counselor community.
We’re built to be collaborative people! As counselors, we are good at talking things out, listening, and taking action from brainstorming sessions. My ideas flow so much freer when I am learning from others and when I’m about to ask questions about things that confuse me. When I ask for help, I can improve my school counseling program and the services that I offer students. I can come up with more creative solutions than if I tried to do it all myself!
2- You can ask for feedback from others in a high school counselor community who are in the trenches with you.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reached out to a high school counselor friend asking, “What would you do if…” or asking if they would handle a situation the same way that I just did. Sometimes you just need the affirmation that you’re on the right track for how to handle a dilemma to inspire confidence moving forward.
3- A high school counselor community can motivate you to grow professionally.
Though I do consider myself your high school counseling hype girl, that celebratory feeling can be multiplied when there are MORE of us celebrating successes together. When we spur each other along through the challenging situations we are sure to encounter, we will gain the endurance we need to keep pushing forward.
I have always found a lot of value in the solidarity of knowing I’m not the only one who feels like I’m going crazy. How many times have you stopped and thought, “You can’t make this stuff up!” There are other high school counselors doing and saying the same thing as you are!
Having other high school counselors on your team can give you the motivation you need to keep growing and not stay stagnant in this profession. There is so much temptation to do things “the way we’ve always done it.” If you’re looking to stay in that place, you’re not going to find much value in a professional community!
To me, connecting over the good, the bad, and the ugly is actually FUN because there is so much value in it. I always say I would struggle on an island where I couldn’t consult with others, bounce ideas off of others, seek feedback, or lean in for motivation. Uniting over a common thread like high school counseling will bring so much value and life to your everyday!
Join us inside Clique Collaborative, a high school membership community where you’ll experience these career-changing relationships for yourself!